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Former Pakistani players want Warne investigated for match fixing?


Global Moderator
If this is true, then I'm left speechless by how low Sarfaraz and Aamer Sohail can sink to.


You'll Never Walk Alone
That is ridiculous. Really angers me, and it's disgracing the name of Pakistan.


Virat Kohli (c)
Heard Aamir Sohail was also calling for an investigation into Benchmark's insidious animal sex life.


Well-known member
Whereas there is a very high,close to 100% probability that it was a fluke on Warne's part when he predicted the match,he does not have a clean history.Investigating the whole thing and making sure that there was no malpractice is the right thing to do,otherwise this issue will be raised in the future too.So why not put an end to it now?

I find nothing outrageous in Sohail and Sarfaraz's demands,even though the latter is a conspiracy theorist of the highest order.


Well-known member
Whereas there is a very high,close to 100% probability that it was a fluke on Warne's part when he predicted the match,he does not have a clean history.Investigating the whole thing and making sure that there was no malpractice is the right thing to do,otherwise this issue will be raised in the future too.So why not put an end to it now?

I find nothing outrageous in Sohail and Sarfaraz's demands,even though the latter is a conspiracy theorist of the highest order.
I said I wanted a tie. Am I to be investigated then?

You know, don't you, that Warne doesn't play international cricket any more?

Be funny were it true. Because it means India and England threw the result.
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Well-known member
Quote from Sohail;

“When our (Pakistan) players are implicated in match-fixing on the smallest of pretext by the authorities of the game, then why has Warne’s prediction about the ‘tie’ not raised any eyebrows in the ICC?” he asked.
Really, Aamer? Really?

tbh, have heard Warnie predict a tie in games a few times over the years. Considering his pub game, no surprise he'd operate on the theory that if you use the same line over and over, eventually it'll work.

Noble One

Well-known member
Why would Warne reveal his evil match fixing ways through a Twitter feed?

One of the worst articles ever. Creating a story based on nothing.


Well-known member
Whereas there is a very high,close to 100% probability that it was a fluke on Warne's part when he predicted the match,he does not have a clean history.Investigating the whole thing and making sure that there was no malpractice is the right thing to do,otherwise this issue will be raised in the future too.So why not put an end to it now?

I find nothing outrageous in Sohail and Sarfaraz's demands,even though the latter is a conspiracy theorist of the highest order.
You're kidding right? Surely you're not suggesting that that game, played by two teams clearly giving 100% involved any fixing whatsoever, or is even worth investigating because of an off the cuff remark by a tv commentator? How is Warne's history even relevant, he had no outcome on the match? More relevant is the history of Tendulkar, Strauss and Dhoni. These guys are the ones actually affecting the result.

Besides if Warne REALLY knew what was going to happen he wouldn't broadcast it to the world. He would do what any shady human would do and quietly put a metric ton of money on a tie. Those are the hard figures that usually tip off authorities to these kinds of shenanigans.
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Well-known member
Am i implying that Warne is guilty?No.

All i'm saying is that carry out a routine investigation,announce that there was no malpractice and lay the issue to rest.

The ICC has already gone through the match fixing shake recently,so why leave the lid on this open?Close it a.s.a.p and move on,or someone will bring it up in the future when something remotley similar happens.
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Noble One

Well-known member
Am i implying that Warne is guilty?No.

All i'm saying is that carry out a routine investigation,announce that there was no malpractice and lay the issue to rest.

The ICC has already gone through the match fixing shake recently,so why leave the lid on this open?Close it a.s.a.p and move on,or someone will bring it up in the future when something remotley similar happens.
It's not even an issue that the ICC should even consider. A pointless investigation will prove nothing and is a complete waste of resources.

Where do you draw the line? Warne predicts a tie. It happens. Another commentator predicts Malinga to take 5. It occurs. Someone predicts Australia to beat New Zealand with ease. Result.

Not worth any ICC involvement.


Well-known member
It was equally ridiculous to read the claims of Watson/Haddin spot fixing the first 10 overs of the Zimbabwe match. A guy can't spend the first few overs of his innings getting his eye in without getting accused of spot fixing now? Very sad that cricket has been reduced to this.


Well-known member
Even though Warne no longer plays cricket, he still controls the results of every match via twitter. What power this man has.