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The Big Question: Whodunit?!

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Who killed Bob Woolmer?


Will we ever know the truth?

Media hype aside, this is definitely going down as the biggest scandal in the history of our beloved sport ... and sadly, we may never find out whodunit!

I have a stinking feeling this runs deep .. very deep .. not just match-fixing mafia or a few rogue players ... but deep deep into the very leadership of world cricket ...

I just can't believe that such a high profile person can be murdered by force aka strangulation in such a busy and packed hotel ... and the local police seem to have absolutely no clue ... or do they? The investigations, inquest, post-morten etc etc have been handled so poorly thus far ... it is just *not* possible for such a crime to go unwitnessed in an environment like this ... and that's why I just can't get over that stinking nagging feeling that this is not just a simple "crime of passion" of an angry fan/bookie/player/whatever ...

Money talks my friends ... how easy would it be to cover up something like this in a relatively poor country like Jamaica? and how many mouths would need to be kept shut in a small police force such as this .. overwhelmed as it is without the WC2007 with a recent statistic of 5 murders a day since 2005.

The amount of money involved in cricket these days is nothing less than the amount of money involved in illegal activities like drugs, smuggling etc .. corruption is very rampant ... remember "the departed"? not just developing countries like India and Pakistan .. these things happen in so-called advanced nations like USA, UK etc

I think we as citizens of the world and lovers of the sport need to ensure the culprits are exposed ...whether they are mafia, bookies, players or administrators ... I have no idea how to do this, sitting here on my laptop in the good ol' US of A but I just can't sit quiet reading all the stupid media "exclusives" hypes, misinformation and finger-pointing ... but I am going to do something ... like I said, I don't know right now what but ... something!
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