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Cricket Web Forum


Cricket Web Owner
The Cricket Web Forum has been upgraded to the latest version of vBulletin and we also bring to you a new design for the forum which we hope you enjoy along with the new features on offer.

If you wish to test out the new features feel free to use the Testing Forum which has been moved to the index of the forum for the next week or so to allow you to easily test out anything you like.

If you have any problems or questions please post a thread in the Site Discussion forum.

Finally, you will notice that the Arcade games haven't been grouped into their appropriate categories yet. This will done over the next 24 hours and a reply will posted in response to this thread letting you know when this has been completed.


Cricket Web Owner
Here's a list of all the changes to vBulletin 3.5 as listed on their official website.

The following is a rough summary of what has changed between vBulletin 3.0.x and 3.5.0

* Product/Plugin system with over 550 'hook' locations strategically placed in the code. Allows modification and extension of vBulletin without physical alteration of the vBulletin PHP scripts.
* Inline moderation allows multiple threads or posts to be have moderation actions performed without a visit to the admin or moderator control panels
* Completely rewritten message editor with ability to instantly switch between standard and WYSIWYG modes
* Thread title editing on forumdisplay via AJAX
* Thread opening and closing on forumdisplay via AJAX
* Super-Quick Reply on showthread via AJAX
* Inline post edit on showthread via AJAX
* Username suggestion for PM recipients and search by user via AJAX
* Data manipulation APIs (Data Manager) for centralized data saving
* Template History & Comparison for easy tracking of changes
* Database-based thread and forum read marking
* MySQL Full Text Search
* Additional Datastore Storage Methods
* SMTP Mail Wrapper
* MySQLi Wrapper
* PHPDoc'd Source Code
* Moderator log language abstraction
* Webkit support for style manager color picker
* ImageMagick 6 Support (alternative to GD)
* Calendar events support start/end times
* Custom avatar and profile picture resizing
* Profile pictures can be saved to filesystem
* Statistics ordering
* Each attachment image type can be individually set to generate thumbnails or not
* Each attachment image type can be individually set to open in a new window or not
* Moderated posts and threads do not contribute to post count until approved
* Language chooser in footer
* New bbcode parser now corrects invalid tag nesting to ensure valid HTML
* New


Cricket Web Owner
If any of you are experiencing problems using the Quick Reply or Similies, logout and log back in again.

That seems to fix whatever it is that is stopping you from using these features.

If you continue to have problems, contact me via email, MSN or Google Talk.


Cricket Web Owner
The Arcade games have all been grouped into their appropriate categories.

Sub-forums now also show on the forum index.