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The British Politics Thread


Well-known member

Would suspect possible qualitative differences here though.

Stigmas associated with STIs much different from those associated with Covid etc. Plus the former doesn't require you to isolate for 14 days at the behest of some unknown bod on the phone.
The stigmas associated with STIs are much worse, surely.

Having been horrified by every track+trace proposal I'd heard and particularly angry with the government at the moment I was pretty set to reject any proposal out of hand. But I'm fine to comply with this one. If I get a phone call saying someone I'd had a pint with had COVID and I should self-isolate, I definitely will.


The stigmas associated with STIs are much worse, surely.

Having been horrified by every track+trace proposal I'd heard and particularly angry with the government at the moment I was pretty set to reject any proposal out of hand. But I'm fine to comply with this one. If I get a phone call saying someone I'd had a pint with had COVID and I should self-isolate, I definitely will.
Yeah sorry, that was what I was angling at. Stigmas associated with STIs worse, thereby people may be more readily motivated to pay attention/heed to warnings about them.

And yeah, I do not object to the policy in principle. Just have reservations about how effective this will be, and with the data gathering etc. associated with it.


Evil Scotsman
It uses phrases/terms that aren’t used in English law but are in USA law (e.g. “personal identifiable information”).

Stores all data collected for 20 years (full name, date of birth, address, health information, contact details of you and all of your "contacts")

And data can be “seen by those who have a specific and legitimate" interest in the data :wacko:

Really really bad.
Based on my limited understanding of GDPR, this doesn't sound like it adheres to some of the principles, particularly the one about not holding data longer than is reasonable.


Well-known member
Yeah what she said is almost definitely against the guidelines. They’re not allowed to call lies lies. I’m not being sarcastic, they’re literally not. They have to say ‘critics are saying X, but the government says...’

Yeah, fair enough, I was reacting to the rumours she'd been ditched off the show, but apparently she hadn't, just reprimanded, which should be a decent compromise, but will probably just make both sides mad, but they both like being mad, so win-win I suppose.


Well-known member
How does Johnson stand here with a straight face and talk about "not throwing away the great gains we have made together" in the past few weeks? You've lost 30k people at a minimum ffs. The sort of count who'd have called teh Indenburg 'Quite the fireworks display." A dangerous buffoon.


Well-known member
Thursday 9th April that article dated, and tbh it didn't happen.

I know it did happen in some parts of the World, but it was always odd, the supermarkets want to make profits, the mark-up on alcohol is massive, same with fags. I'll admit I got a few disapproving looks from ****wits when I was buying alcohol at the start, the hysteria level was through the roof back then.


Well-known member
Supposedly happened in one or two local areas before the police were told to back off. Similar to the shaming via drone of people who were out and about for exercise.

Alcohol got massively panic bought too once the pubs shut. Wasn't much of it on the shelves the first couple of weeks but now it's all fine.


Well-known member
How does Johnson stand here with a straight face and talk about "not throwing away the great gains we have made together" in the past few weeks? You've lost 30k people at a minimum ffs. The sort of count who'd have called teh Indenburg 'Quite the fireworks display." A dangerous buffoon.
Can up that to at least 35k. The missing gap deaths analysis has it over 50k but potentially people might've died of all sorts to push it over the usual average so its harder to nail those to Covid.


Well-known member
Haha these cut out crowds are being regularly abused by English 'fans' sending them through

Deviant muscle fetishist Purple Aki made it to the Borussia Monchengladbach game this weekend in cardboard form


Well-known member
Even Teresa May now thing Dominic Cummings did something wrong. Given how much has gone badly wrong before and she's not spoken out against her own party, that's quite the moment.

Prince EWS

Global Moderator
Even Teresa May now thing Dominic Cummings did something wrong.
She hates him like poison, and it's reciprocal. In fact, old Dom isn't actually the greatest fan of the Tories as an insitution.

The surprising thing to me is that this sort of criticism hasn't come earlier. May must still rate her chances of influencing things moving forward to have kept her mouth shut until she thought she had broader support on it, which should scare us all more than Cummings breaking coronavirus policy.


Evil Scotsman
This vote on ending remote parliamentary voting is so incredibly dire.
It's transparent as ****. Johnson flounders at a couple of PMQs without a bunch of braying public schoolboys behind him and all of a sudden MPs have to ignore government advice and stop working from home.
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Evil Scotsman
Seeing rumblings that a lot of Conservative back benchers aren't happy with the voting process and are hoping that it will unravel because of how stupid it is.

It's reassuring that the government is full of back benchers willing to waive through idiotic proposals in the hope they fall apart.