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  • I think Leclerc still needs to mature - as talented as he is I don't think he's quite ready to lead a team the way Verstappen wasn't in 2018. Even Hamilton took a while to really mature into an exceptional driver.

    Ricciardo makes sense for all sorts of reasons IMO. As does Alonso, although that is admittedly wishful thinking on my part.
    Haha just seen the news about Vettel today - the piece I had been working on before COVID took over was going to be about how this season was likely to be his last at Ferrari and how I thought their 2021 lineup was likely to be Ricciardo and Leclerc, with an outside shot that Alonso comes back to F1 for a couple of years.
    Haha the impatience thing sounds just like me.

    Isn't necessarily something I'd be looking to quit my job for short term. I'm lucky in that if it looked like it might be something that was going somewhere, I can take a career break from work and still have something to go back to if it doesn't work out.

    Got a few ideas sloshing around in my head - do you know of any small F1 sites that might be open to getting a couple of articles?
    Who do you write for now?

    Going through that mid 30s thing of "is this really what you want to do with your life' and wondering if I should give sports writing a try. How did you get into it, and was your writing strictly a Labour of love or did you ever earn from it?
    Really pleased to hear your mum is getting back on form.. think you should do your bit and dye your hair pink.. ;-)
    That’s cool. It was a shot in the dark as it were so no worries. Will just have to see what happens when I go along to the next meeting. It’s a bit wild and woolly here, tip of North Yorkshire and next to the Cumbrian lot.. quite out of the way of things ! Thanks again for replying.. hope things are going well for you . Jx
    Hope you don’t mind me posting this, and if it’s not relevant to you, apologies. I remember some while ago you mentioned some stuff about the Catholic Church, and because of that I’m kind of picking your brain and asking for some info. Long and short of it is I went to a meeting at the local Catholic Church as regards looking into supporting a refugee family up here in the grim rural north! The speaker at the meeting was a guy called Sean Ryan, and he works within the Caritas group. Apart from the usual stuff I can look up on Google etc, I just wondered if you knew of him/ the group or had had any dealings with such. If you haven’t just ignore this load of blather lol. If you do know of anything that’s of interest outside the normal Google stuff could you let me know. Am fine if you want to post stuff on my wall about it. Thanks . J.
    1/2 Final!
    Just started...

    Final four greatest movie characters remaining...

    I re-opened my movie characters tournament today , so come and vote for your favorites...
    It's 3 Round now, so this is Invite to voting , this time I will finish job..
    thread is on OFF.TOPIC

    See ya..
    Just to say thank you for your post in the British Politics Thread. Appreciate it.
    Hey lad, put in a report about your post to let the mods know. I just don't want you being in hot water, wouldn't take much to identify both you or the pilot for someone reasonably in the know and that may suck for all concerned. Hate being That Guy but it's a risk. Cheers and now I'm in your sector of the world, need to hook in for a pint.
    Hi, just to let you know that Adders, wiff and I have opened the donations page towards contributing to the Cricket Web banners that are being produced for Phil Hughes and Sean Abbott. We're leaving you a message as you mentioned that you may be interested in contributing. Please check out the original thread in Cricket Chat for details. Many thanks.
    See Interviews - let me know if you have issues with Qn 1 and I will give you a replacement qn,

    Also I do hope you know the story i am asking you to retell about your ex if you need your memory jogged then VM me. It was a story you mentioned in the crabs subbie,

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