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  • Hi thanks for getting back to me in a positive way, all cool with me but just wish to clarify I was being general...

    "Being fair I have been on topic and no, not here to troll.. ...I open threads to open conversation not bait w****s!!!"
    If I called you that name then I am sorry but I don't recall, as I have suggested before I would like to discuss this like an adult and make peace I'm not here to make enemies but to make friends please can we talk x
    It's fine, I won't reveal what I don't want to. Plus anyone with enough time, desire and google ability will be able to find my life story anyways.
    Yeah I've been planning on it. I haven't made a post yet because I don't know enough about it but I'll definitely look into it when I have time.
    For what it's worth Pratters, I wasn't bullying you. Had no idea your post was a direct reference to that cdm pics episode.

    Still a pretty **** joke though :p
    Hi Pratters, is it just test match tickets you're interested in or ODI's also? I went to 1st Engv SL odi so have a ticket for that if you want it?
    Hi mate, spoke to my dad and unfortunately he has thrown the tickets awa,y so sorry wont be able to help you out on this occasion..
    Sorry mate,left them at my parents house as my Dad but ugh them.will see if I can get hold of them for you..where u based?
    I only watched 2 matches in Eden. But both of them were historic matches - 1. 1996 world cup semifinal (worst cricketing memory of my life), 2. 2001 Laxman-Dravid test match (best cricketing memory of my life)
    used to go to burra bazar with my mom to purchase sarees before Durgapuja every year...I may visit Kolkata next during Christmas
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