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  • Hi Nufan, congrats on reaching that many posts! I've applied your custom title.
    I hope you are very happy at what you achieved by insulting me. I am struggling with mental health issues, including thoughts of death and suicide and being insulted on this board does not things. My thoughts do go to suicide when I read the insults. I was enjoying the draft and looking forward to learning a lot as I answered the questions but now that is not going to happen. It might be best if I left the site completely but I do not what those of you who are out to get me because of my views on the shorter forms of the game win. If I leave you win, if I kill myself you win, I DO NOT WANT YOU TO WIN, so I am staying but not in your draft. Look after yourself but please find someone else to insult so you can laugh at them.
    Hey NUFAN, do you mind if I run the All time India XI game or would you prefer doing it on your own?
    My "Sri Lanka" option in my VPN is getting recognised as being in the Netherlands by YouTube for some reason; maybe you're having the same problem.
    Hi.Are you sure Greg Chappell's total points is 27.Did you add my list which had Lara,Viv and ABD in top 3?
    If the 2nd list you think is bogus has Viv as number 1 and Flintoff and Jayasuriya high up then it's not.
    oh well.. guess great minds think alike.. Lol. I got what you meant. Good thing you deleted that.. what was the second one though?
    Nuffers.. I know you said I dont need to prove anything but I had Lara at #12 if it helps you figure out if it was votes that caused the issue. I am hoping no one else had the Prince at that number. :D
    Hmm, good point, I didn't think about that.

    Doesn't look like you can, the best you could do is ask everyone to tick the N/A box for everyone 25 and below? Might be a bit tedious though..
    1/2 Final!
    Just started...

    Final four greatest movie characters remaining...

    I re-opened my movie characters tournament today , so come and vote for your favorites...
    It's 3 Round now, so this is Invite to voting , this time I will finish job..

    See ya..
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