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Dumb Whatsapp Forwards


Well-known member
My family whatsapp groups have become insufferable. They go from "we are going to die" kind of forwards to "our culture/religion will save us". There's only so many times I can tell them to not read and forward crap on Whatsapp :(


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my friend sent me one she got a couple of days ago:

Breaking News from CNN :-

Dr. Li Wenliang, China's hero doctor who was punished for telling the truth about Corona Virus and later died due to the same disease, had documented casefiles for research purposes and had in the casefiles proposed a cure that would significantly decrease the impact of the COVID - 19 Virus on the human body. The chemical Methylxanthine, Theobromine and Theophylline stimulate compounds that can ward off these virus in a human with atleast an average immune system. Whats more shocking is that these complex words that were so difficult for people in China to understand is actually called Tea in India, YES, our regular Tea has all these chemicals already in it. The main Methylxanthine in tea is the stimulant caffeine. Other Methylxanthines found in tea are two chemically similar compounds, Theobromine and Theophylline. The tea plant creates these chemicals as a way to ward off insects and other animals. Who would have known that all the solution to these virus would be a simple cup of TEA. and that is the reason so many patients in China are being cured. The hospital staff in china has started serving tea to the patients 3 times a day, And the effect is finally in Wuhan "The centre of this Pandemic" has been contained and community transmission has almost stopped.

Please Share this message to your friends and family to make them aware about this blessing in the form of TEA in your kitchen.

Forwarded as received.


Well-known member
GOOD NEWS!!! Wuhan's Corona virus can cure itself * by a bowl of freshly boiled garlic water. The old Chinese doctor proved its effectiveness. Many patients have also proven it to be effective, RECIPE: Take eight (8) chopped garlic cloves, add seven (7) cups of water and bring to a boil. Eat and drink the boiled water from the garlic .Improved and cured overnight ... Please share with all your contacts can help save lives ..

It's that easy guys.....


Well-known member
Boys, that forward just got a reply:

Garlic and Ginger contains love of 100 mothers Sure in the name of God it's will cure be positive ����


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Just got this one:

From tomorrow onwards there are new communication regulations.

*1.* All calls are recorded

*2.* All phone call recordings saved

*3.* WhatsApp is monitored

*4.* Twitter is monitored

*5.* Facebook is monitored

*6.* All social media and forums are monitored

*7.* Inform those who do not know.

*8.* Your devices are connected to ministry systems.

*9.* Take care not to send unnecessary messages

*10.* Inform your children, Relatives and friends about this to take care

*11.* ​​Don't forward any posts or videos etc., you receive regarding politics/present situation about Government/PM etc.​​

*12.* Police have put out a notification termed *Cyber Crime* and action will be taken. So just don't delete ......

*13.* Writing or forwarding any message on any political and religious debate is an offence now....arrest without warrant...

*14.* This is very serious, please let it be known to all our groups and individual members as group admin can be in deep trouble.

*15.* Take care not to send unnecessary messages. Inform everyone about this to take care.

Inform your friends and others.

Please share it; it's very much true. Groups please be careful.

By Minister of Communication and Digital Economy


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In case you were wondering what to have for lunch

“This is to inform us all that the pH for corona virus varies from 5.5 to 8.5.
All we need to do, to beat corona virus, we need to take more of an alkaline foods that are above the above pH level of the Virus.
Some of which are:
Lemon - 9.9pH
Lime - 8.2pH
Avocado - 15.6pH
Garlic - 13.2pH
Mango - 8.7pH
Tangerine - 8.5pH
Pineapple - 12.7pH
Dandelion - 22.7pH
Orange - 9.2pH
Your Good Health Is Priority.

Please pass on to everyone you know so they may feel empowered at this time.


Well-known member
good to know avos are stronger than bleach. also ordering some dandelions to clean my drains aws.