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  • And telling him to "Shut the **** up" puts you in a good light, and helps towards constructive posting? You were both at fault, and made the thread worthless.
    I would still be nasty to you and to that Jonathan fella, if not for the lovely lady in my life. She kicks my @$$ everytime I say mean things to people.
    Hi mate, I am Sriram! Am from Palghat in kerala although tamil easy to me. ;) What about you?
    Same as most weekends really. Nice long 3-11:15 shift on sunday and did nothing-very-much on saturday. Any reason you ask?
    Its on my friends HDD, he's in Pune. I live in Mumbai. It'll have to be done when he's here, probably this weekend. Sanz mentioned it was 50 DVDs. I didn't realize there were that many, and I doubt my friend's got all of them, unless its a small sized rip. I'll enquire and let you know, Pratters.
    I have a new, wrapped boxset of The History Of Australian Cricket (one DVD of each decade from 50s - 80s) that you can buy for a price you think is fair if you want. Otherwise don't have much and wouldn't really feel that comfortable sending it there tbh.
    haha, probs shouldn't discuss on forum. But unfortunately there is no way to get a crack for TEW 2008, basically, the way it works is, you download the game itself for free from anywhere you can find it. However, in order to get it to work you need to get a unique code from Grey Dog Software, otherwise the game just will not run. So you have to email them and pay for it using paypal in order to get the game up and running. But my advice would be to download TEW 2005 which is now free, and test that out, if you like that then maybe think about 2008, as it is pretty much just a more up to date version with new features etc... You will also have to download mods for TEW though, something I forgot to mention in the thread, as none of the base scenarios/characters are real or liscencsed, but you can get a load of good mods online, so I wouldn't worry about that.
    Ha, cheers mate. Nice to know someone's paying attention at least. I always try to offer some kind of explanation for my opinions. :-)
    Ok mate, was surprised when I read it to be honest, as I thought you were attacking Richard and thought to myself, that's very unlike Pratyush to do that.
    Well Done in the match Fixers thread. It was just about time that people would have posted ir-responsible remarks about innocent cricketers.
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