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Oasis v Blur

Which is the better band?

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Well-known member
Oasis' b-sides >>> Blur's stuff.

That being said, I thought anything Oasis did after Be Here Now was terribly dull.


Well-known member

Find even Blur's best songs hard to listen to sometimes, 13 for me was a self indulgent **** fest beyond anything Be Here Now was, tried so hard to be mature and have feeling and ended up with up-your-rectum MOR (Tender being the worst example). Much prefer their earlier cheesier but a bit more lively stuff, least that was half decent live (the rest was beyond snoozefest TBH). Would also like to point out Music Is My Radar as one of the worst songs ever released.


Well-known member
Just because you're from Manchester :p
Cheshire actually :p (well, now anyway). Plus Oasis are bluenoses, so damn good reason to hate them if i wanted to

Plus that argument doesnt exactly fit in with my kinda meh towards Morrissey


Bet you secretly love Joy Division and Ian Curtis more than anything else in the known universe tbh.


Well-known member
Bet you secretly love Joy Division and Ian Curtis more than anything else in the known universe tbh.
Alright i suppose.

Best Manchester band were the Bee Gees IMO, there 60's/early 70's output was quite simply fantastic, then they went all disco/**** (delete former as appropriate)


Norwood's on Fire
Blur, really. & I speak with the authority of someone who owns all of the two group's studio albums, he said wankily. :p

They've been the infinitely more innovative of the two and (with songs like She's So High and Beetlebum) have showed they can "do" Oasis, but there's no way I could see Oasis coming up with a No Distance Left to Run or He Thought of Cars.

You chuck in Albarn's work with Gorillaz & The Good... and it's a no-brainer for me.
I also own all of the albums by both. And all of the oasis singles, and about 60% of those by blur. And have seen both live. Am I wankier yet? :D

Oasis, for me. I love blur, believe me, I do. But being more innovative doesn't make it better music. Maybe oasis couldn't come up with a No Distance Left To Run but then I couldn't see blur doing a Live Forever or Fade Away (people always say Noel's lyrics are ****, but for me one of the truest things I've ever heard in a song is while we're living, the dreams we have as children fade away).

Oasis are the better live act. It was awesome everybody singing along to Tender, but you can better that with about three quarters of the tunes at an Oasis gig. It was gorgeous when blur played End of a Century but it's magic when you hear Stop Crying Your Heart Out or Noel's solo acoustic set (his slowed down Wonderwall a la Ryan Adams is to die for). Damon is probably more energetic on stage than Liam, in fact there is no doubt about it, but Liam is more of an enigma, more of a personality. A blur gig is a great gig, a wonderful performance, an oasis gig is thrilling, it has you on the edge of your seat gagging for more.

At the end of day, I got wise about 11 years ago that I didn't need to torment myself wondering which I preferred, as I have both. But if I did have to choose, it will always be oasis.


I also own all of the albums by both. And all of the oasis singles, and about 60% of those by blur. And have seen both live. Am I wankier yet? :D

Oasis, for me. I love blur, believe me, I do. But being more innovative doesn't make it better music. Maybe oasis couldn't come up with a No Distance Left To Run but then I couldn't see blur doing a Live Forever or Fade Away (people always say Noel's lyrics are ****, but for me one of the truest things I've ever heard in a song is while we're living, the dreams we have as children fade away).

Oasis are the better live act. It was awesome everybody singing along to Tender, but you can better that with about three quarters of the tunes at an Oasis gig. It was gorgeous when blur played End of a Century but it's magic when you hear Stop Crying Your Heart Out or Noel's solo acoustic set (his slowed down Wonderwall a la Ryan Adams is to die for). Damon is probably more energetic on stage than Liam, in fact there is no doubt about it, but Liam is more of an enigma, more of a personality. A blur gig is a great gig, a wonderful performance, an oasis gig is thrilling, it has you on the edge of your seat gagging for more.

At the end of day, I got wise about 11 years ago that I didn't need to torment myself wondering which I preferred, as I have both. But if I did have to choose, it will always be oasis.
To be fair not many bands have come up with songs to touch Live Forever. It's so achingly wonderful it still gets the hairs on the back of my neck standing up. It strikes just the right balance between youthful arrogance & naivety. Damon was always a bit too knowing (hell, I'll say it, too bloody clever) to come up with something that struck such a universal chord.

I can't help but think that the line "Maybe I will never be all the things that I wanna be" was touchingly prophetic. The sad truth is that Oasis haven't really grown as a band in a decade and a half. Whereas Blur moved from Parklife to Essex Dogs in under 5 years.


Norwood's on Fire
Me White Noise > Essex Dogs, firstly

I don't necessarily see the need for Oasis to grow as a band. I don't believe that any of the albums sounds that much like the one before, but it's always just rock and roll. That's what you want when you listen to Oasis. Bloody good songs.

Feel it's time to throw the Gas Panic! hat into the ring. That song chills me. Specially when I listen to the vinyl. Love it.


Me White Noise > Essex Dogs, firstly

I don't necessarily see the need for Oasis to grow as a band. I don't believe that any of the albums sounds that much like the one before, but it's always just rock and roll. That's what you want when you listen to Oasis. Bloody good songs.

Feel it's time to throw the Gas Panic! hat into the ring. That song chills me. Specially when I listen to the vinyl. Love it.
No, fair enough. What they do they're very good at & it's doubtlessly v lucrative too. But Noel set his hat at joining yer Lennons, yer Davieses, yer Bowies & yer Towensends at English pop's highest table; all of whom constantly changed their sound as they developed as artists. Noel's turned out to be a sort of superior Noddy Holder tho. Moments of genius, but basically a one-note symphony, however good that note might be.

& I love Slade before anyone thinks I'm having a pop.


Norwood's on Fire
Yeah, tbh I think Noel belted out about 30 really good songs in the first two years of Oasis, via the first two albums and the b-sides. From then on, he has basically written half an album of good stuff with each release. It's no coincidence that I and many other oasis fans saw Heathen Chemistry and Don't Believe the Truth as a huge upturn, this was because three other people were contributing songs, as such the Noel songs were all of high quality and he has been more relaxed about making them.

He'd say otherwise, but always thought of Noel as more McCartney than Lennon; Lennon was a brilliant lyricist who sometimes did weird things musically, McCartney put lyrics second and his greatest skill was constructing a simple three minute song that was bloody good.

Of course, I am selling both short as I am a fan of some of the lyrics produced by both, and Macca obviously was an innovator of the highest order, nonetheless I hope you see my point.